Zmienność wybranych parametrów fizykochemicznych wód leczniczych Szczawna-Zdroju (Sudety)


  • Barbara Kiełczawa
  • Elżbieta Liber-Makowska


Variability of selected physicochemical parameters of the Szczawno-Zdrój healing waters.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the results of the research on the variability of selected physicochemical properties and exploitation parameters of healing waters in Szczawno-Zdrój. Based on the results of physicochemical analyses it was observed that the mineralization of the Mieszko and Marta waters has gradually increased over the years (1963–2017). At the same time, a decrease in the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in these waters was observed. In addition, there was no evidence of a significant relationship between well discharge and the CO2 content. Variations of CO2 concentration are so significant in the Młynarz intake that these waters should be classified as carbonate rather than CO2 – rich water. It has also been shown that the content of this gas in the Młynarz and Mieszko 14 intakes varies considerably depending on the discharge (rk = 0.7). The correlation occurs with less intensity in a smaller Marta andDąbrówka intakes (rk =0.3). A declining trend is also observed in the Rn content in the Marta intake. For this parameter there was no relationship with discharge changes. All analyzed springs are characterized by seasonal changes in their discharge. Generally, the variability of the analyzed parameters ranges from about 28% to a maximum of 43% relative to the respective mean values.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia