Charakterystyka wód geotermalnych cenomańskiego systemu wodonośnego na pograniczu SE części niecki miechowskiej i zapadliska przedkarpackiego

Grażyna Gorczyca, Józef Chowaniec, Tomasz Gągulski


Characteristics of geothermal water of the Cenomanian aquifer system at the boundary of the SE part of the Miechów Basin and the Carpathian Foredeep.
A b s t r a c t. Wider exploration of geothermal waters of the Cenomanian aquifer system at the south-eastern border of the Miechów Basin and the Carpathian Basin was possible due to research carried out in boreholes OB-I and OB-II in 2016. Geothermal water occurring in sand and Cenomanian sandstone was found in both boreholes. The waters differ in mineralization and content of specific constituents, and the outflow temperature. In borehole OB-I occurs Cl–Na, I type water with the mineralization of 9.83 g/dm3 and the outflow temperature of 27.2°C, whereas in borehole OB-II the water was Cl–Na, S type with a mineralization of 12.08 g/dm3 and outflow temperature of 21.5°C.

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