Charakterystyka wód geotermalnych cenomańskiego systemu wodonośnego na pograniczu SE części niecki miechowskiej i zapadliska przedkarpackiego


  • Grażyna Gorczyca
  • Józef Chowaniec
  • Tomasz Gągulski


Characteristics of geothermal water of the Cenomanian aquifer system at the boundary of the SE part of the Miechów Basin and the Carpathian Foredeep.A b s t r a c t. Wider exploration of geothermal waters of the Cenomanian aquifer system at the south-eastern border of the Miechów Basin and the Carpathian Basin was possible due to research carried out in boreholes OB-I and OB-II in 2016. Geothermal water occurring in sand and Cenomanian sandstone was found in both boreholes. The waters differ in mineralization and content of specific constituents, and the outflow temperature. In borehole OB-I occurs Cl–Na, I type water with the mineralization of 9.83 g/dm3 and the outflow temperature of 27.2°C, whereas in borehole OB-II the water was Cl–Na, S type with a mineralization of 12.08 g/dm3 and outflow temperature of 21.5°C.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia