Występowanie i możliwości zagospodarowania wód siarczkowych w rejonie Tarnobrzega


  • Agnieszka Felter
  • Jadwiga Stożek
  • Mariusz Socha
  • Jakub Sokołowski


The sulphide waters in the area of Tarnobrzeg and the possibility of their development.A b s t r a c t. The long-term exploitation of sulphur deposits in the Tarnobrzeg region along with intense groundwater drainage caused a change of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical conditions. After the finishing of mining activities, the area has been reclamed, causing a return to near-natural conditions. Therefore, the geological and hydrogeological conditions are currently close to natural. This area is prospective for extraction of mineralized sulphide waters and their use in balneotherapy.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia