Geologiczno-inżynierska waloryzacja w planowaniu przestrzennym gminy z zastosowaniem danych kartograficznych analizowanych w technologii GIS


  • Paweł Dobak
  • Magdalena Kapelska


Engineering-geological evaluation of spatial planning in a commune using cartographic data analyzed by GIS.A b s t r a c t: The paper presents the possibility of typical geological maps applications for evaluation of engineering-geological conditions in spatial planning analyses. Appropriate sheets of Detailed Geological Map, Hydrogeology Map and Geo-environmental Map were selected for the considered commune. Genesis and consistency of soils, level of first groundwater table and geodynamic processes should be the base to applying 4-level classification of engineering- geology conditions. The spatial and quantitative analyses were prepared using GIS technology. This procedure was tested for the case of “urban sprawl” area near Warsaw and let toevaluation scheduled solutions in “The study of the conditions and directions of the spatial management of the commune of Nadarzyn”.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia