Stateczność obiektów zabytkowych na przykładzie kooecioła św. Anny w Warszawie


  • Michał Grela


Stability of antique structures on the example of St. Anna’s Church in Warsaw.A b s t r a c t. This article describes the issues of stability of antique structures on the example of St. Anna’s Church in Warsaw which in 1949 was feared of collapsing in result of construction works performed on its immediate vicinity at W–Z Route. The article describes the story of the most-known Polish construction disaster, its consequences and impact on the point of view towards stability of antique structures placed on slopes in terms of geological structure and ground investigations. In addition the results of tests in foundation excavations were presented. They prove that foundation reinforcing through underpinning was known in the territory of Poland as early as in the 17th century. Moreover, the article describes the scope of monitoring for vertical and horizontal dislocations of the church, as well as for the entire slope.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia