Ocena zastosowania georadaru do wykrywania podziemnych instalacji budowlanych w warunkach zimowych


  • Bernadeta Rajchel


Assessment of the use of ground-penetrating radar to detect underground installation systems in winter conditions.A b s t r a c t. The aim of the measurements was to assess the usefulness of the GPR technique in winter in engineering projects, particularly in determining the location of underground infrastructure, such as sanitary and gas installations as well as power and telecommunication cables. The article presents and discusses the results of the measurements performed in a developed area. The use of GPR was assessed based on the identification of installation system elements as well as the comparison between their actual position and their location according to a geodesic plan. GPR should be considered as a valuable tool during the repair of sanitary, gas or other types of networks as it allows to precisely determine the location of a given network in the subsurface layer, and thus prevent possible failures.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia