Ocena możliwości zastosowania metody georadarowej i elektrooporowej do identyfikacji rozluźnionych stref gruntów niespoistych


  • Radosław Mieszkowski
  • Piotr Zawrzykraj
  • Emilia Wójcik
  • Dorota Żmudzin
  • Paweł Popielski


Evaluation of the applicability of GPR and resistivity methods for identifying loose zones in non-cohesive soils.A b s t r a c t. The results of the possibility of geophysical methods application (such as geoelectrical ones, including ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography) to identify areas of loose sands were presented in the article. Registered anomalies obtained from geophysical survey have been verified by geological and engineering tests (drillings and dynamic probing). Measurements were carried out along the part of the lateral earth dam, consisting of man-made soils with a thickness of approximately 7 m and underlying alluvial medium grained sands. The results obtained from the geophysical survey and direct assessment of density by means of dynamic probing allowed to demonstrate the relationship between a specific type of geophysical anomalies and the density of non-cohesive man-made soils.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia