Zastosowanie metody obrazowania elektrooporowego do rozpoznania podłoża Południowej Obwodnicy Warszawy


  • Sebastian Kowalczyk
  • Krzysztof Cabalski
  • Michał Radzikowski
  • Jędrzej Jędrzejewski


Application of electrical resistivity imaging to ground recognition of the Warsaw Southern Ring-Road.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the usage of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) in ground recognition for linear constructions such as the Warsaw Southern Ring-Road. Measurements were performed in a gradient array, on five segments of the route, with previously researched geological conditions. Measurement method intended to probe the soil matrix on different depths. Therefore, the electrode array was set to 2 to 5 meters. The resulting image of resistivity differed in resolution. Resistivity images were correlated with geological data from boreholes in geology-engineering documentation and other widely available geological information from databases and literature. This allowed to limit ambiguity of interpretation of two-dimensional model of near surface soil matrix resistivity. Thereby, individual ranges of resistivity were assigned to geological content. The measurements allowed to identify geological horizontal variability. Electrical resistivity imaging research confirmed its utility in the recognition of spatial distribution of geological media in foundation soil. The analysis of completed surveys allowed to designate the following areas: locations where anthropogenic and organic soils occur, probable location of the edge of the upland on the eastern side of Vistula River and upper relief of local Neogene clays.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia