Ocena możliwości stosowania metody jednopunktowej z wykorzystaniem penetrometru stożkowego w celu oznaczenia granicy płynności


  • Krystyna Jaśkiewicz
  • Małgorzata Wszędyrówny-Nast


Determination of liquid limits by the fall cone one point method.A b s t r a c t: Atterberg Limits are main parameters characterizing the properties of cohesive soils. The cone penetrometer is a standard apparatus for testing of liquid limits according to PN-B-04481:1988 and PKN-CEN ISO/TS 17892-12. The test allows to obtain the relationship between moisture of soil paste and cone depth penetration. The result is determined by interpolation between at least four points. The paper presents feasibility study of determination of liquid limits by the fall cone one point method. The publication contains a comparison of values obtained with the one point method by Sherwood and Ryley in 1970., Nagraj and Jayadeva in 1981 and by Leroueil and Lebihan in 1996 with the fall cone method presented in PKN-CEN ISO / TS 17892-12.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia