Podstawowe zasady i nowe możliwości wykorzystywania wyników badań presjometrycznych


  • Marek Tarnawski


Basic principles and new possibilities of using pressuremeter test results.A b s t r a c t. This article is an attempt to briefly summarize the achievements of the pressuremeter research methodology and its development paths in over sixty years of its existence. The current rules for the tests execution and interpretation of their results as well as their application in the foundation design and in geological-engineering evaluation of the sites are discussed and subjected to critical analysis. Attention has been drawn to the unique ability to identify and estimate errors that may occur during testing, and the last chapter outlines the prospects for the development of this research technique. The author has also presented his accomplishments, such as the introduction of the concept of maximum and minimum settlement, a new way for determining the creep pressure, and a simplified way of defining the so-called standard settlement. In conclusion, the author has drawn attention to the numerous advantages of the pressuremeter method. These include, in particular, a direct assessment of the two most important characteristics of the soil: strength (bearing capacity) and compressibility, reduction of scale effect and the ability to test the soil at any depth.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia