Zharmonizowanie klasyfikacji gruntów spoistych według norm PN-EN ISO 14688:2006 i PN-86/B-02480


  • Marek Tarnawski


Harmonizing classifications of cohesive soils according to PN-EN ISO 14688:2006 and PN-86/B-02480 standards.A b s t r a c t. This article discusses the differences between the classification of cohesive soils according tothe obsolete PN-86/B-02480 Polish standard and to the applicable PN-EN ISO 14688:2006 standard. Differencesin the ways of recognizing and classifying these soils according to these standards are debated in the scientific and professional world, and due to the different approach to their nomenclature they seem difficult to overcome. The author analyzes these Polish research methods, which are closest to the macroscopic analysis required by PN-EN ISO 14688:2006, and then points to the real possibility of harmonizing both classifications.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia