Metoda obserwacyjna i monitoring geotechniczny w świetle przepisów prawa do oceny zachowania podłoża i konstrukcji inżynierskich


  • Aleksandra Borecka
  • Agnieszka Stopkowicz
  • Klaudia Sekuła


The observational method and the geotechnical monitoring in law to assess subsoil and construction conditions.A b s t r a c t. The observational method is one of the designing methods specified in Eurocode 7. It is recommended when the subsoil behavior prediction is difficult. Geotechnical monitoring is an integral part of the observational method. It can be also used for evaluation of subsoil and/or construction conditions at every investment stage. The article presents compulsory law regulation, standards and literature analysis in terms ofusing the observational method and geotechnical monitoring.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia