Złoża węglowodorów z towarzyszącymi nagromadzeniami niekonwencjonalnymi (złoża hybrydowe) i ich dokumentowanie


  • Tadeusz Kozimor
  • Józef Potera
  • Marek Nieć


Hybrid hydrocarbon accumulations (conventional accompanied by unconventional ones) and reporting of their resources.A b s t r a c t. The boundaries of numerous hydrocarbon deposits are defined by lithology change, and cut off permeability 0.1 mD in the case of gas, or 1 mD in the case of oil, considered as a limit of reasonable hydrocarbon recovery. Beyond such limit, hydrocarbon accumulations obviously occur, but the possibility of their free movement is limited. Therefore, they may be treated as unconventional – tight gas, for example. Such hybrid, combined conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations are common in various formations. Their simultaneous exploitation is possible as demonstrated by the Przemyśl, Lubaczów and Słopnice gas fields. The occurrence of unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation in hybrid deposits should be clearly presented in geological reports and considered in exploitation planning.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia