Rozpoznanie i próby zabezpieczenia osuwiska w Kurowie (Pogórze Rożnowskie, Karpaty Zewnętrzne)


  • Antoni Wójcik
  • Jarosław Kos
  • Sebastian Jurczak


Recognition and attempts for the Kurów landslide protection (Rożnów Foothills, Outer Carpathian).A b s t r a c t. In 2010–2015, various research teams conducted geological operations on the Kurów landslide. They independently documented the course of deep-seated slip surfaces. The studies were carried out in three stages, embracing preparation of expert’s reports, geological documentation, and reports on monitoring work. The procedures used in Małopolska, worked out within the framework of the SOPO (LCS – Landslide Counteracting System) project, were of great importance during the recognition and protection of part of the landslide area. It was proposed that the scope (depth and distribution of boreholes) have been consulted with the appropriate representative of the scientific surveillance of the PGI-NRI Carpathian Branch in Cracow before the tendering procedure.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia