ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Nowe dane o litologii i biostratygrafii akritarchowej skał kambryjskich na Łysicy, najwyższym szczycie Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Zbigniew Szczepanik
  • Jan Malec


New data on the lithology and acritarch biostratigraphy of Cambrian rocks of Łysica Mt., the highest summit of the Holy Cross Mountains.A b s t r a c t. The southern slope of Łysica Mountain, which is the highest elevation of the Holy Cross Mountains, is comprised of three lithological complexes divided by parallel fault zones. The uppermost part of the succession consists of quartzitic sandstone of theWiśniówka Formation. The formation is underlain by a complex of sandstone with mudstone interbeds, with black claystone underneath, which is exposed in the upper part of the Głęboczka ravine succession. The strata of the first and the third complexes dip northward, whereas those of the second complex dip southward. In the fault-bound zone between the second and the third complexes, there are concentrations of weathering iron ore. The black claystone, which is lithologically similar to this of the Pepper Mountains Formation, contains a taxonomically rich assemblage of organic-walledmicrofossils (acritarchs) diagnostic of the Upper Cambrian (Lower Furongian) successions. The new record of microfossils allows determining the age of the succession composing the Łysogóry Mountains for the first time in the history of regional geological investigation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia