Osuwisko Vajont (Włochy) – przykład katastrofy przyrodniczej wywołanej działaniami człowieka


  • Milena Różycka
  • Filip Duszyński
  • Aleksandra Michniewicz


Vajont landslide (Italy) – an example of a natural disaster induced by human activity.A b s t r a c t. Vajont landslide, which affected the northern slope of Monte Toc in the Dolomites (NW Italy), is one of the most famous examples of a natural disaster induced by human activity. A wave, generated by displaced material that filled the Vajont reservoir, overtopped the dam and destroyed a few villages in the nearby Piave valley, resulting in death of approximately 2000 people. In this review paper, some facts about the disaster are presented and its triggering factors are discussed. Information related to tourism development in the area is also provided.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia