Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW W poszukiwaniu najstarszej kopalni węgla brunatnego na Ziemi Lubuskiej


  • Agnieszka Gontaszewska-Piekarz


In search of the oldest lignite mine in Ziemia Lubuska (western Poland).A b s t r a c t. The paper presents available information about the beginnings of lignite mining in Ziemia Lubuska, western Poland. After studies on remained German archival materials from “Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt” and German literature from the 19th century, some new data about the oldest mining has been found. The oldest acts of conferment of mining fields (“Mutung”) in the discussed region refer to the field “Caroline”field in Glisno of 1820. The paper presents the history of the oldest mine in the Ziemia Lubuska region, i.e. “Caroline & Herrmann” in Glisno near of Sulęcin. The mine functioned in the years 1820–1862 and later as “Consolidierte Max” untill 1869. The paper also describes the discovery of lignite deposits in the 19th century near Sulęcin, focusing on the detailed history of the village of Glisno, which was closely connected with lignite. In the 19th century, in addition to a lignite mine, a silk factory operated in Glisno, which used lignite to steam production, and a famous lignite-silt-spa located in a palace. The history of mining in Glisno has been almost completely forgotten. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of preserved archival or literature materials relating to the mine.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia