Zastosowanie metody inwersji danych z pomiarów elektrooporowych do oceny stanu termicznego hałdy pogórniczej w Chorzowie


  • Andrzej Kotyrba
  • Sławomir Siwek


The use of the electrical resistivity data inversion method for thermal state assessment of a coal mine heap in Chorzów.A b s t r a c t. Air conditions in post-mining areas are threatened by thermal activity of old spoil tips of coal mines. Reclamation operations cause only time-limited suppression of the oxidation process of carbon particles in the spoil heap. There are different reasons for that process. One of them is the incorrectly recognized geometry of the combustion spots in the spoil tip mass and the ways in which they are powered by oxygen from the atmosphere. The 1D inversion of vertical resistivity sounding data (VES) allows visualizing the down-going thermal effects and concluding about transport of atmospheric air (oxygen) and combustion gases in the whole mass. The resistivity distribution within waste can effectively support interpretation of geochemicaland geothermic observations made on the spoil tip. The article describes the results of resistivity measurements made on an old spoil tip with waste from coal production in a heavy urbanized area of Chorzów City. Currently, the area of the former spoil heap is used for recreation and sports purposes (a park).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia