ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Bar, miedź, cynk i ołów w glebach strefy hipergenicznej Radzimowic w Górach Kaczawskich


  • Maciej Swęd


Barium, copper, zinc and lead in soils of Radzimowice supergene zones in the Kaczawa Mountains.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents chemical investigations of barium, copper, zinc and lead contents in soils formed on weathering wastes of the abandoned Radzimowice deposit in the Kaczawa Mountains. These soils are classified to technosoils. The mud-clay fraction was subject to chemical investigations. The amount of metals were compared with the allowable values provided in the regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 2002, and with the geochemical background values accepted in this paper as average amounts of metals in unpolluted soils in Poland. The concentrations of lead and zinc are higher than the concentration of copper which is the main component of this deposit. The concentrations of thesemetals were analyzed on the background of the distribution of the individual fractions in soil profiles



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia