Analiza możliwości detekcji niekontrolowanego dopływu wód gruntowych do głębokiego wykopu
Analysis of the possibility of detection of uncontrolled groundwater inflow into a deep excavation.A b s t r a c t. The paper shows a comprehensive analysis of uncontrolled groundwater flow into a deep excavation. The scheme of works performed to construct the diaphgram walls as well as typical causes of leakage are discussed. The possible ways of locating the lining leakage before executing the foundation with use of water-level change measurements and the thermal monitoring method are presented. In the presented calculations, the analysis of the transient heat flow and filtration coupled process was used. Numerical calculations in the case of leakage occurrence in the lining or in the foundation bottom as well as comparative calculations for the construction without the leakage were conducted. The temperature changes occurring in the diaphgram wall constructed in the ground as a result of hydration process were calculated. Then, the heat spreading as a result of water flow through the leaky parts of the construction was analyzed. The article endeds with the conclusions and suggestion of the following work direction.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia