Możliwość rozróżnienia małży i ślimaków słodkowodnych na podstawie koncentracji metali ciężkich w tkankach miękkich i muszlach


  • Stanisław Piotrowski


Apossibility of making a distinction between freshwater bivalves and snails on the basis of concentration of heavy metals in soft tissues and shells.A b s t r a c t. The study involved 17 species of freshwater molluscs. The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Cd and Hg) in soft tissues was determined for 14 species, while the concentration of heavy metals in shells was determined for 16 species. Totally, 110 samples of soft tissue and 119 samples of shells were analysed. The statistical analysis of the qualitative data concerning concentration of metals in shells indicated a clear distinction between snails and bivalves. The only exception is Unio crassus, which was assigned to a three-point cluster together with snails. With respect to snails, this may be because the analysis was performed only on one sample. The results of this study can be significant both for palaeontological research and palaeoenvironmental research. If we have a few shell fragments available, it can be generally concluded, based on geochemical analysis of heavy metals in shells, which shell fragments belong to bivalves and which to snails. It is also possible to assess geochemical conditions of ancient ecosystems. Obviously, the given results are preliminary and they suggest necessity of further research.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia