ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Wykorzystanie badań batymetrycznych w identyfikacji morfodynamiki stref korytowych rzek na przykładzie wybranych odcinków Wisły i Bugu


  • Tomasz Falkowski
  • Piotr Ostrowski


The use of bathymetric studies to identify zones of channel morphodynamics of rivers, exemplified by selected sections of the Vistula and Bug rivers.A b s t r a c t. One of channel features, which seems to be important for river engineering projects, is possibility of existence of natural trends of currents distribution. The recurrence of thalweg direction can be connected among other reasons with the susceptibility to erosion of deposits that build up the channel zone. The aim of the study was determination of alluvia basement influence on channel morphodynamics. The article presents the results of bathymetric measurements that were carried out in two non-engineered sections of the Bug River channel within its Podlaski Gorge and two sections of the Middle Vistula: in the Basonia (Małopolska Gorge) and Dęblin (examples of engineered channel) regions. The study was conducted with the use of sonar coupled with a DGPS receiver. Measurements were performed under conditions of low and medium water levels. The study also included geological research of the river channel (drillings). The analysis of channel morphology changes was performed in GIS environment. The studies have shown a link between morphology of the alluvia basement (composed of erosion-resistant deposits) and the flow directions. This phenomenon is observed in the river channel regardless of the flow rate.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia