Z DZIAŁALNOŚCI ADMINISTRACJI GEOLOGICZNEJ Zawodnienia terenów górniczych – przewodnik po najważniejszych przepisach z komentarzami mierniczego górniczego i geologa górniczego (stan prawa – styczeń 2017 r.)


  • Dariusz Ignacy
  • Przemysław Bukowski


Water flooding of mining areas – Aguide to the most important legal regulations with comments of a mining surveyor and a geologist (legal situation as of January 2017).A b s t r a c t. Indication of areas which are threatened with surface water flooding on mining and post-mining areas is difficult, not only substantively, but also because of the expected consequences of mining areas' qualification in terms of their economic usefulness and public safety. The paper presents the most significant legal regulations that define the concept of damages caused by mining activity, with specific emphasis on the surface water flooding on mining and post-mining areas. The relationships of various legal regulations determining the land use and geological documenting, areas management, and the state of public safety are indicated. The paper also provides the assessment of consequences of the use of some important legal regulations, with the evaluation of liability for damages related to surface water flooding. It is an attempt to initiate a discussion on this issue among mining surveyors, geologists and persons responsible for natural environment protection.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia