Sukcesy i porażki polityki surowcowej


  • Adam Maksymowicz


The successes and failures of raw material policy.A b s t r a c t. The work on “National raw materials policy” as a separate Government document is carried out in order to achieve the economic effects of the exploitation of domestic mineral resources. Other countries adapt such policies to the general national policy. Its creators in those countries are independent scientific and business communities of national and global importance. An example of the creation of such a policy is Robert Friedland’s geological exploration school in Canada. It is successful on both a national and global scale. Its essence is not a rigid document, but the mobilization of the most talented people in this sector, which are focused around a political scientist, who is familiar not only with the geology, but also has knowledge about people of this profession. Only this kind of policy could be comparably successful to the post-war “Polish geological school” that was organized on a basis of similar principles as that in Canada.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia