ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Ruchy masowe a interpretacja budowy geologicznej – przykład osuwiska na górze Drogosz w paśmie Zaworów (Sudety Środkowe)


  • Aleksander Kowalski


Impact of mass movements on geological interpretation – an example of the Drogosz hill landslide within the Zawory Range (Central Sudetes).A b s t r a c t. Recognition and precise delimitation of landslide-affected areas, especially in the mountains, have been a challenge so far. New opportunities emerged after dissemination of high- resolution Digital Elevation Models generated by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), which are also used to processing and visualization of geological data. This paper touches the issue in both aspects mentioned above, and presents results of morphometric analysis of a landslide on the northern slope of the Drogosz hill within the Zawory Range, in the southern part of the Krzeszów Basin (Central Sudetes). Attempts of reconstruction of the slip surface and estimation of total volume of the landslide colluvial fill were undertaken. Furthermore, differential maps were compiled. They were a basis for the spatial distribution of thickness evaluation. The Drogosz hill landslide seems to be strictly related to the geological structure of the research area. The Zawory Range is composed of Upper Cretaceous, Lower Triassic (Buntsandstein) and Permian (Rotliegendes) rocks. Lack of recognition of landslide phenomena was probably the main reason of misleading interpretations of the Krzeszów area geology. The paper also provides comments on the existing concepts of the geological structure of the Krzeszów Basin, especially of the Łączna Anticline.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia