ARTYKUłY INFORMACYJNE Polska polityka surowcowa za granicą


  • Adam Maksymowicz


Polish raw materials policy abroad.A b s t r a c t. The Polish expansion in mineral exploration is going to start with Africa. This is expressed in Government documents. Such direction is obviously welcome, but is not the most important. Chinese competitiveness in that continent is insurmountable. The Polish science was most successful in this field in the 19th and early 20th centuries in Siberia. Its achievements have been appreciated there until today, independently of political turmoil in Polish-Russian relations. This direction of the policy in mineral exploration is the most promising because this is where the world economy and policies are currently targeted. A weakness of both these options is the lack of commonly available knowledge about both Africa and Siberia, and about other areas of our interests in raw materials around the world. This should be a starting point to a debate about the Polish policy in mineral exploration abroad.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia