Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW Badania geofizyczne na obiekcie Damran’e na Saharze w Algierii w latach 80. XX w. – wspomnienie


  • Stefan Rulski


Geophysical research in Damrane in the 1980s, Sahara, Algeria – a reminiscence.A b s t r a c t. This article is a supplement to the information included in the book Polish Geologists on Five Continents, dealing with the search of copper ore in Damrane, Algeria. In Damrane, parallel to strictly geological research there were also conducted geophysical measurements with the use of the gravity, magnetic and geo-electrical prospecting methodology. Eventually, it was possible to trace the structure and diversity of volcanic lithology and define vast tectonic spheres. Using the inducted polarization method was an effort to localize good electronic conductors, which is a characteristic of metal ores.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia