Zapis typu ruchu osuwiska w rzeźbie terenu i jego obraz na wysokorozdzielczych numerycznych modelach terenu (NMT) na przykładzie wybranych osuwisk ze wschodniej części Beskidu Niskiego (Karpaty zewnętrzne, Polska)


  • Jarosław Kaczorowski


Landslide movement type record in morphology and its visualization on high resolution digital terrain models,exemplified by some landslides in the eastern part of the Low Beskid Mts. (Polish Outer Carpathians).A b s t r a c t. Landslides are very common features in the Polish Outer Carpathians. In the classical cartography, landslides are recognized based on characteristic land relief: main and side scarps, toe, minor scarps, transverse ridges, recesses and cracks. Formerly, landslide mapping was carried out in the field, preceded by interpretation of topographic maps and aerial photographs. Nowadays, we use spatial data from airborne laser scanning (ALS). Spatial data reprocessing permits to achieve a high-resolution (pixel 1×1 m or more precise) digital terrain model (DTM). Exploration of land relief in search for landslides has become simpler and more accurate. DTM interpretation allows delimiting the boundaries of landslides and elements of their relief. By analysing groups of landforms it is possible to determine the type of colluvium movement. In the eastern part of the Low Beskid Mts., four types of landslides predominate: rotational slides, translational slides, flows, and complex movements. Types of landslides are usually very well visible on the DTM. Information about types of mass movements can be useful during modelling further landslide activity and designing instrumental identification works and possibility of stabilization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia