Właściwości mechaniczne iłów zastoiskowych z Wierzbicy k. Serocka w świetle wybranych polowych badań geologiczno-inżynierskich


  • Piotr Zawrzykraj


Mechanical properties of ice-dammed clays from Wierzbica near Serock in the light of selected geological and engineering in situ tests.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the results of geological investigations of ice-dammed clays from Wierzbica near Serock (Central Poland). Physical and mechanical properties of varved clays were determined mainly during in situ tests. Different available equipment and methods were used for determining current geological and engineering conditions. Static tests CPT(U), dilatometer tests (DMT) and pressuremeter tests (PBP) were performed and compared. Deformation modulus E, shear strength cu, yield pressure y , limit pressure pl, and other parameters were evaluated. The selected methods were compared with respect to differences between the obtained results.With the use of statistical methods, the variability of ice-dammed lake sediments is presented. For this reason, the parameters should be carefully estimated. The geological environment is still diverse and difficult to apprehend. Histograms of collected data illustrate distribution of mechanical properties of varved clays from Wierzbica.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia