Nowe odkrycie w krach mezozoicznych w okolicach Łukowa i jego znaczenie dla promocji geoturystycznej regionu


  • Andrzej Wierzbowski
  • Michał Świder
  • Monika Krzeczyńska
  • Wojciech Szczygieł


New discovery in glacially transported Mesozoic rock masses at Łuków (eastern Poland), and its importancefor the geotouristic promotion of the region.A b s t r a c t. An excavation dug out in the glacially transported rock masses at Gołaszyn near Łuków (eastern Poland), revealed the presence of deposits unknown so far in this area. These are older than the only known so far here glacially transported clays containing concretions with splendidly preserved ammonites of late Callovian at Łapiguz brickyard of Łuków. The succession exposed consists of sands and sandstones of Middle Callovian age which rest on red-brownish clays. The latter may be compared with the Triassic – Buntsandstein deposits of the northwestern Lithuania, that is the home area of glacially transported rock masses, commonly occurring in eastern Poland in the £uków area. The new geological discoveries markedly increase a set of attractions for the promotion of the £uków region for the education and geotourism purposes



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia