Wkład polskich geologów do współpracy międzynarodowej w latach 1918–1939. W100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości


  • Janusz Skoczylas


The contribution of Polish geologists to international cooperation over the period of 1918–1939. On the 100th Anniversary of Independence.A b s t r a c t. This article attempts to characterize and evaluate the forms and results of cooperation of Polish geologists with geologists and geological institutions in Europe and all around the world. The theoretical achievements of Polish geology are underlined. The participation and contribution of the Polish geologists to the organization of scientific life in the world is widely discussed. Attention is also paid to the participation of Polish geologists in several polar and mountain expeditions. Some Polish geologists – members of international organizations and scientific organizations – were also mentioned.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia