Audiatur et altera pars – w kwestii realizacji zadań służby geologicznej


  • Joanna Osiejewicz


Audiatur et altera pars – on the issue of the execution of geological survey tasks.A b s t r a c t. The paper is part of a debate on the correctness and validity of the concept of creating the Polish Geological Agency.With a purpose to draw attention to the supranational perspective, it indicates the international and EU requirements set for the Polish geological survey. Next, it presents the functioning of the German geological survey as the respective body that in the Opinion of the Legislative Council of 26 January 2018 on the draft act on the Polish Geological Agency can be considered as an example of a modern and well-functioning geological survey. The research problem, which is the issue of the necessity to conduct institutional amendments in the subject area, is based on the following assumptions: 1) the role of geological surveys changes in response to current challenges faced by the national, organizational and global community; 2) legal and organizational tasks and forms of state geological surveys undergoing changes, which is a consequence of changes in the role of these surveys in the national, organizational and world communities.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia