Propozycja usprawnienia metodyki pomiarów dopływów wód podziemnych do wyrobisk w kopalniach LGOM na przykładzie OG Polkowice


  • Marek Błachowicz


The proposal of methodology of measurements and estimation of groundwater inflow into underground workingsof LGOM mines exemplified by the Polkowice mining area.A b s t r a c t . This paper presents an analysis of the groundwater inflow into the Polkowice mining area. It is a mining area where the highest inflow into the mine from the whole Legnica–G³ogów Copper District can be observed. In the multi-aquifer formation system, which occurs in the study area, a significant role is played by: Paleogene and Neogene, Triassic and Permian aquifers. The principal objective was to determine the discharging groundwater resources in deep aquifers in relation to the current hydrogeological conditions observed in the mine. The results helped to describe problems and possibilities of high frequency measurements in mine workings and to give some clues to the improvement of measurement methodology. This research was based on direct measurements, analysis of collecting data, and a comparison with existing data regarding the inflow into the mine workings.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia