Wykorzystanie modelowania geochemicznego oraz badań izotopowych siarczanów do identyfikacji procesów kształtujących skład chemiczny wód podziemnych ujęcia Gliwice-Łabędy


  • Kinga Ślósarczyk
  • Sabina Jakóbczyk-Karpierz


Application of sulfate isotope studies and geochemical modeling in determining processes affecting groundwater chemistry in the Gliwice-£abêdy well-field area.A b s t r a c t. In order to determine geochemical processes affecting chemical composition of groundwater in the Gliwice-Łabędy well-field area two research methods were applied. Chemical analysis allowed us to assess the quality of groundwater in the Triassic karst-fractured-porous aquifer of the southwestern part of the major groundwater basin no. 330. The chemical composition of groundwater is distinguished by spatial heterogeneity highlighted by higher mineralization and concentrations of individual ions in the western area. In addition, all samples collected in 2016 were analyzed for the 34S and 18O to identify sources of sulfates in the waters examined. The study revealed a different origin of these ions depending on location of the wells sampled. The results of chemical analysis and archival data allowed for application of geochemical modeling in identification of processes taking part in groundwater chemistry evolution. Simulations of processes controlling water chemistry within the Triassic aquifer were conducted using The Geochemist’s Workbench 10.0.6. The examined processes encompassed dissolution of minerals forming the carbonate aquifer and Miocene evaporates overlying the Triassic aquifer as well as mixing of groundwater and surface water.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia