ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Nauka a państwowa służba geologiczna


  • Tadeusz Marek Peryt


Science and the national geological survey.A b s t r a c t. The Hanover declaration (1993) of the mission of a geological survey clearly states that it does not deal with management, but as a government organization it should serve the state authorities and societies by scientific advice and information on natural resources and the environment, and such a mission can be accomplished only by science, methodological competence and research independence. More than a half of the geological surveys in EU countries define themselves as research institutions (Fig. 1), and the scientific production expressed in the ratio of publications in JCR journals per staff number in some geological surveys (e.g. ÈGS, BGS) is bigger than in the Polish Geological Institute – NRI (Fig. 2) what in part is related to the role played by service tasks of the PGI-NRI. The close connections of geological surveys with the scientific research are ignored by adherents of establishment of the Polish Geological Agency.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia