Katedra w Łowiczu i jej kamieniarskie zabytki


  • Michał Ruszkowski
  • Janina Wiszniewska


Cathedral Basilica in Łowicz and its stony craft monuments.A b s t r a c t. Cathedral Basilica dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Nicholas in Łowicz is a pearl among the monuments of Mazovia and the £owicz region. It has been one of the most important centers of worship in Poland since the 12th century. Synods and political meetings of great importance to the history of our country were held within its walls. Visiting the cathedral, one intimidates the richness of the temple interior. Monumental altars, chapels in the aisles, tombstones, epitaphs and liturgical vessels made of colourful rocks allow us to fully admire the artistry of sculpture and architecture masters. Among the other temples, it is distinguished by the fact that it also plays the role of a mausoleum of the Primate and Archbishop of Poland. The twelve of them were buried in the catacombs of the church. The treasury and museum also store the relics of St. Wojciech and St. Wiktoria, the patron of the city of Łowicz and and Łowicka Diocese from 1992. Thanks to the Cathedral history, beautiful stony craft monuments inside and relics of Polish Saints, the church is called the Primates Basilica or the Wawel of Mazovia



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia