Kamień w architekturze zespołu kościelno-klasztornego na Karczówce w Kielcach (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Zbigniew Złonkiewicz
  • Anna Fijałkowska-Mader


Building stones in architecture of the church and monastery complex on the Karczówka Hill in Kielce (Holy Cross Mts., south-central Poland).A b s t r a c t. The baroque church and monastery from the 17/18th century, located atop the picturesque Karczówka Hill in SW Kielce (capital of the Holy Cross Mts. region), document a variety of local building stones dominating in architecture of that place by the middle of the 20th century. They were used here also in renovation and modernization works in the 21th century. The high altar and portal of decorative Bolechowice limestones (Upper Devonian) incrusted with Zelejowa ’rose-like’ calcite (Upper Permian-Lower Triassic) was built in the early flourishing period of application of these stones. They also include portals made of Kunów sandstones and Szydłowiec sandstones (Lower Jurassic), as well as doorframes, stairs, balustrades and daises composed of Doły Biskupie sandstones and W¹chock sandstones (Lower Triassic) showing high resistance to weathering processes. They were also used in various minor stone details (figures, stoups, candleholders, inscription tables). Stone-floors composed of local stones and Sudetic marbles document reconstruction works in the second half of the 20th century.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia