100 LAT PAŃSTWOWEGO INSTYTUTU GEOLOGICZNEGO – DLA GOSPODARKI, NAUKI I EDUKACJI Muzeum Geologiczne PIG-PIB w drugim 50-leciu istnienia. I co dalej?


  • Włodzimierz Mizerski
  • Izabela Olczak-Dusseldorp


Geological Museum PGI-NRI in the second 50. anniversary – and what next?A b s t r a c t. During the second 50 years of its existence, the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute has gradually changed its character from a highly scientific and archiving center to an educational institution. Changes were marked by temporary exhibitions and the appearance of reconstruction of a dinosaur coated with a thermal cover, nicknamed Dyzio, a world-scale novelty. In the 1990’s work on the thorough modernization of the permanent exhibition started. The effects of this process can be seen today as a contemporary exhibition. At the same time the museum began its educational activity, including museum lessons, workshops, lectures and other events especially addressed to younger generations. The Geological Museum takes part in the Science Festival and Night of Museums, and in other festivals and fairs. The Geological Museum also prepares temporary exhibitions for regional branches of the Polish Geological Institute, promotes geotourism and publishes brochures and books. The biggest educational event is the annual art and knowledge competition "Our Earth – the natural environment today and tomorrow" that started almost 20 years ago. Since the beginning of this competition, about 100.000 school youth from Poland and Lithuania have participated in this event. The Geological Museum supports regional centers of the Polish Geological Institute and cooperates with all regional branches in the area of geological education. This year the Geological Museum is planning to commence work on a new, moreattractive permanent exhibition and will promote activities of the Polish Geological Institute in understanding of the geology of Poland and its mineral resources.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia