PRAWO GEOLOGICZNE Polska Agencja Geologiczna jako realizator zadań służby geologicznej


  • Joanna Osiejewicz


Polish Geological Agency as the executor of the geological survey tasks.A b s t r a c t. The state geological survey performs specific state tasks in the field of geology. The state geological survey lies within the competence of the minister responsible for the environment, acting with the assistance of the Chief National Geologist. The state geological survey is currently performed by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute. The tasks of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute are financed from the state budget and co-financed from other public resources, mainly from the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection andWater Management.The current draft law on the Polish Geological Agency, positively evaluated by the Legislative Council, is an attempt to introduce into the Polish legal and institutional system, a coherent hydrogeology and geology management as well as the implementation of state policy in the field of resource security. This draft would be similar to that in many other developed countries. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a legal status analysis of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute and the Polish Geological Agency, related to the specific activity of the geological survey, and to assess the legal validity of establishing the Polish Geological Agency.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia