ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Wstępne wyniki badań mineralizacji Au-Ag-Te, REE i PGM w złożach Fe-Ti-V suwalskiego masywu anortozytowego (północno-wschodnia Polska)


  • Michał Ruszkowski


Preliminary results of research on the Au-Ag-Te, REE and PGM mineralization in the Fe-Ti-V deposits of the Suwałki Anorthosite Massif (NE Poland).A b s t r a c t. Unique grain and nest-like accumulations of REE (La, Ce and Nd) nanoforms and precious (gold, platinum) elements were described from the Suwalki Anorthosite Massif (SAM). The dimensions of these forms vary from 15 to 175 m in diameter in Ni and Co sulphides, reaching 450 m in diameter in Cu sulphides. In the hydrothermally modified ore mineralization, separate small dispersed minerals of Te are visible. Numerous small inclusions of Te-minerals (0.4–0.7 mass %) were identified in hydrothermal Fe-Cu-Co-Ni sulphides, especially inmillerite. They are grouped in small forms that are elongated directly along the flow of hot solutions, 2–4 m in size of a single inclusion. New results of polymetallic and precious metal sulphides together with dispersed REE mineralization may increase an economic value of the documented Fe-Ti-V deposits within the SAM.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia