Wody termalne w rejonie Jędrzejowa – zasoby energetyczne i możliwości wykorzystania


  • Kinga Wielgus
  • Antoni Barbacki
  • Leszek Paj,ąk


Thermal waters in the area of Jędrzejów – energy resources and possibilities of their use.A b s t r a c t. The present study examined the possibility of using geothermal energy in the area of Jędrzejów. Determination of the potential of thermal resources in this area was possible due to deep boreholes drilled in previous years. The analysis concerned the assessment of the geological setting, depth of aquifers, water temperature and mineralization, discharge rates of wells, reservoir parameters, and the value of geothermal resources. Promising zones for acquiring geothermal energy are the central (Cenomanian and Upper Jurassic aquifers) and north-eastern parts (Triassic aquifer) of the area. Taking into account discharge rates of wells and water temperature, the geothermal resources of the region are promising mainly in the context of their use in recreation and/or balneotherapy. There is a certain possibility of developing the resources for heating purposes, but generally this option would require using of heat pump systems. Based on the calculated value of the energetic potential of the aquifers, the Cenomanian aquifer has been selected as the most interesting. For this aquifer, a simple scheme of geothermal pool installation was proposed





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia