Chemizm wód neogeńskiego piętra wodonośnego w rejonie Wrocławia


  • Agata Korwin-Piotrowska


The chemistry of the Neogene multiaquifer formation in the Wrocław region.A b s t r a c t. The article presents the chemistry of the Neogene multi-aquifer formation in the Wrocław region.The principal scope of this study was to present the quality of Neogene groundwater samples collected at the same time from 23 boreholes. Chemical analyses were made at the Central Chemical Laboratory of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute in Warsaw. The Neogene aquifer occurs at significant depths (approximately 80 m b.s.l.), which has a great impact on the groundwater quality. The mineralization of the Neogene multi-aquifer formation was measured and shown as the electrical conductivity (EC). The pH varies from poorly alkaline to alkaline. The research results show the major ions and the hydrochemical type of the groundwater, and they can be a valuable source of information for such domains of human activity as geology, and town and municipal planning.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia