Badania geologii złóż węgla brunatnego w Państwowym Instytucie Geologicznym


  • Jacek R. Kosiński


PGI research on the geology of lignite deposits.A b s t r a c t. The PGI research of lignite was primarily focused in the area of eastern Poland. An extensive research of the lignite deposit geology mmediately after the end of World War II led to numerous discoveries of large lignite deposits, including some of the biggest in Europe (Legnica, Be³chatów, Poznañ Tectonic Trough). The data collected during exploration and prospection of lignite deposits made possible to elaborate stratigraphy (litho- and palynostratigraphy) of Paleogene/Neogene lignite-bearing association on the Polish Lowlands and prepare its detail correlation with the stratigraphic schemes of East Germany. Sedimentological studies of lignite-bearing association led to the definition of basic types of lignite-bearing facies, related to sedimentary conditions in different zones of alluvial sedimentary basins. They also allowed the establishment of relationships between lignite- bearing sedimentation and tectonic evolution of the lignite basins in tectonic depressions and cups of salt domes. Recently, the impact of climate change on the development of brown coal sediments has been subject to study and the critical thermal conditions for the most intense anthracogenesis in the Polish Lowlands, which took place in Miocene, were defined.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia