Wielkie odkrycia surowcowe Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego


  • Włodzimierz Mizerski


Great discoveries of mineral resources of the Polish Geological Institute.A b s t r a c t. One hundred years of the activity of the Polish Geological Institute is an exceptional opportunity to emphasize its role in the discovery of mineral resources in Poland. During the last 100 years the structure of the Institute and its place in the government administration have changed many times. However, these changes have not affected the engagement of the Institute in the study of geology of Poland, especially in the area of discovering new mineral deposits, as this was demanded from the Institute by the authorities of Poland. Today, from the perspective of 100 years, it has to be stated that these expectations were lived up and contributed to the development of the country’s economy. During 100 years the Institute discovered mineral deposits worldwide as well as on a regional scale. This article attempts to present the history of the discoveries of mineral deposits by the Polish Geological Institute during 100 years of its existence. The deposits which are presented here are those of the greatest importance some of whichmay not be mined today due to economic and environmental causes, and also due to the fact that these resources were fully exploited. But, one must remember that the discovery of all these mineral deposits would have been impossible without the study of the country’s geology. It was emphasized by the founding fathers and first directors of the Institute who appreciated the great role of basic science in the discovery of mineral resources.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia