Zagrożenia osuwiskowe na trasie budowy drogi ekspresowej S-7 na odcinku Lubień–Naprawa (Karpaty fliszowe)
Landslides hazard in the construction of the expressway S-7 on the Lubień–Naprawa section (Flysch Carpathians).A b s t r a c t. Landslide recognition is an important task for designers and contractors during the road construction process. The problems that contractors often face is insufficient recognition of the geological structure (at the design stage), too small area of purchased land under the “ZRiD”decision, or the inability of fast responding to emerging threats. The studies described in this article shed more light on the complexity of slope deformation as a result of landslide processes. During the constructing of the expressway S-7, the problems related to deep landslide processes occurred, which most probably were associated with poorly recognized old “rocky-weathering material” type of landslide. The geological survey performed during the construction of this road, confirmed the occurrence of deep (>20 m) displacements, recorded by the inclinometer measurements. These deep displacements are linked to a large landslide with a main scarp located in the region of Mt. Cymbałowa Góra.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia