Stateczność stoków osuwiskowych na podstawie pomiarów inklinometrycznych oraz właściwości fizyczno-mechaniczne skał i gruntów na przykładzie osuwisk w Ochojnie i Starym Sączu


  • Jarosław Kos


Stability of landslide slopes based on inclinometer measurements and physical and mechanical properties ofrocks and soils on the example of landslides in Ochojno and Stary Sącz.A b s t r a c t. In the area of landslides in Ochojno and on Stroma street in Stary Sącz, geological works were carried out, including determination of geological-engineering parameters, and documentation of slip surface on the basis of the drill core analysis. The obtained results allowed the author to construct computational cross-sections on the basis of which slope stability index factors for each of the landslide areas were calculated. These results were compared with the values of stability index obtained from inclinometer measurements. A proposal for documenting landslide areas was presented, paying particular attention to the proper interpretation of the ground profile. This enables avoiding frequent errors made in preparation of geological-engineering documentation based on shallow ground recognition and improperly conducted drilling system.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia