Zastosowanie bezzałogowego statku latającego (UAV) w monitoringu powierzchniowym ruchów masowych na przykładzie osuwiska w Kasince Małej (Beskid Wyspowy, Zewnętrzne Karpaty Zachodnie)
The application an unnamed aerial vehicle (UAV) in landslides surface monitoring – case study of theKasinka Mała landslide (Beskid Wyspowy Mts., Outer Carpathians Mts.).A b s t r a c t. Landslide monitoring is applied in case of a hazard for existing infrastructure located on hazardous landslide. It is the exact case of the Kasinka Ma³a landslide in the Outher Carpathians which causes a danger for the surrounding infrastructure. In order to measure the terrain deformations caused by landslide movements, the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with a non-metric camera has been used. As a result of processing of aerial photos, orthophotomaps as well as digital elevation models have been produced. It enabled providing information about vertical and horizontal displacements caused by the landslide. The results of analysis shows that the mass movements occur at a different pace, but also that there are stable areas in the landslide. The application of UAV photogrammetry for landslide monitoring allows getting the information about the displacements in the unvegetated areas.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia