Porównanie petrografii i diagenezy piaskowców karpackich z różnych jednostek litostratygraficznych


  • Grzegorz Leśniak


Comparison of petrology and diagenesis of the Carpathian sandstones from various lithostratigraphic units. A b s t r a c t. Petrographic research was carried out on 549 thin sections representing Carpathian sandstones of the Lower Cretaceous to Miocene sediments from the Silesian and Skole units (east of Gorlice town). They represented the Lgota, Spass, Inoceramian, Stryj, Istebna, Jamna, Ciężkowice, Menilite, Polanica, Boryslav, Kliwa, and Krosno sandstones. The first goal of the study was to determine the composition of rock framework as well as the types, quantities and distribution of cements. The granulometric composition of sandstones is very diversified, varying from very fine-grained (similar to mudstones) to fine-grained or coarse-grained sandstones. Sorting of detrital grains is rather poor. Only fine-grained sandstones exhibit the better sorting. The investigated rocks can be described as arenites and wackes, sublitharenites, lithoarenites, subarkoses and arkoses. In the next step of research, analyses of diagenetic processes and their influence on the change of porosity were also carried out. Results of the study of rock framework composition and the type and amount of cements allowed me to compare similarities and differences of the Carpathian sandstones from various lithostratigraphic units.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia