Analiza mikrofacjalna dolomitu głównego (Ca2) we wschodniej części wielkopolskiej platformy węglanowej


  • Ewelina Krzyżak


Microfacies analysis of the Main Dolomite (Ca2) in the eastern part of the Wielkopolska Carbonate Platform (W Poland).A b s t r a c t. Investigation of the Permian Basin in the western part of the Polish Lowland was initiated in 1961 when the Rybaki fieldwas discovered – the first one outside the Carpathians in Poland. The Main Dolomite (Ca2) in the eastern part of the Wielkopolska Platform, located in western Poland, is characterized by a significant variety of microfacies, hence this research is aimed at better interpretation and understanding of depositional environments of current reservoir rocks as well as possibility of identification offacies distribution within the investigated carbonate platform. A detailed microfacies analysis of the Main Dolomite was conducted, which was supported by core logging. The author interpreted depositional environments and generated a 3D model of the top of the Main Dolomite using seismic reflection data. An attempt to correlate microfacies between the analyzed wells was also performed. Integrated analyses of thin sections and drill cores from 4 wells allowed me to interpret the depositional environments of the Main Dolomite. The generated 3D model of the top of the Main Dolomite provided a better insight into subsurface tectonics, paleogeography of the analyzed area and a better understanding of depositional lithofacies environments.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia