Wybrane elementy badań petrologicznych w dolomicie głównym złoża BMB


  • Katarzyna Jarmołowicz-Szulc


Selected issues of petrological research in the Main Dolomite of the BMB field.A b s t r a c t. Based on the assumption that diversified fluids can be trapped in inclusions present in the rock cements of sedimentary basins, fluid inclusion studies were undertaken in the wells of the Barnówko–Mostno–Buszewo oil and gas field (western Poland). Sampling was conducted in six wells, and most samples studied lie at a depth interval of 3100 to 3150 m. Methods applied in the present study stage comprised: standard petrography, microscopic analysis of fluid inclusions, fluorescence studies and some introductory microthermometric measurements. Three types of fluid inclusions were observed and studied: two-phase aqueous (brine) inclusions (non-fluorescent); two-phase oil inclusions (fluorescent); one-phase methane inclusions (non-fluorescent). These inclusions display either a primary or a secondary character. Their abundance and detailed characteristics differ depending on the type of mineral, well and depth position.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia